Tour Information

We have been working with an excellent tour guide company and have pulled together some excellent tours of the Dallas Ft.Worth area. On Thursday we are offering a full day highlight tour of the Ft. Worth and Dallas area. Since there are no technical presentations planned for Thursday, we are planning for this to be a widely attended tour by both husbands and wives. Download the flier detailing this tour:

Thursday JFK & Ft. Worth Tour Flier

While the technical sessions are going on during the day on both Friday and Saturday, we plan two full days of family activities. The Friday tour is a 9am to 3pm tour of the world famous Southfork ranch from the “Dallas” show plus a North Park Shopping Experience which is one of the largest and premier shopping centers in the country.

Friday Southfork Ranch & Northpark Shopping Tour Flier

On Friday evening it is time to put on your blue jeans and take your gal to Ft.Worth for a fun western styled evening at the Fort Worth Stockyards Championship Rodeo. We will leave the hotel at 630PM and arrive back at the hotel by 10:30PM.

Friday Evening Fort Worth Stockyards Championship Rodeo Flier

On Saturday morning while the EME guys are enjoying the technical sessions, the wives are invited to a guided tour of Historic downtown Grapevine.

Saturday Grapevine Historical Tour Flier

If you have any questions in the mean time, please give me a call at 972-542-3165

Emily Ward