Proceedings Style Guideline

All submissions must be in Microsoft Word (.doc). Pages are 8-1/2 X 11" or A4 size, keep in mind A4 size will be changed to 8 ½ x 11”, with ¾" margins on the left, top, and right sides. The bottom margin MUST be 1" or more. Power Point files will be accepted. Non-white back grounds and reverse print (white letters) will be converted for printing.

The Proceedings are printed in Black and White; no color.

Photographs are reproduced in Black and White, not color. It is best if you do the reduction from color to B&W yourself. You can better judge if the important part of the photo has been rendered correctly. We will do the conversion from color to B&W if necessary, but the results may not be as good.

Typically, a Times Roman font, 10pt, is used as the default. Sans-serif font such as Helvetica or Arial are also used. Type font and size may be changed for what is submitted to enhance readability or to better fit the available space.

Drawings and illustrations should be made with heavy lines and clearly drawn. Schematics, etc., should be formatted to fill a major portion of a page and be divided so that they are not overly complex. A schematic on two pages and readable is better than one on a single page and unreadable. If possible please submit as separate items (separate files, separate pages, etc). Label all drawings and illustrations CLEARLY and indicate CLEARLY where in the text material they are to be located. You may place all drawings and illustrations in sequence at the back of the paper. Sometimes this makes for an easier read, sometimes it doesn't.