Technical Library

In this section, the NTMS provides presentations which have been created by our members or significantly contribute to the advancement of the amateur microwave community. 

For those of you wishing to acquire the generic NTMS Template for Microsoft PowerPoint, it may be found here.


The 10 GHz Flyswatter experiment - Craig Young-KA5BOU (ppt) 900k

The NTMS 1296 Loop Yagi Project - Al Ward - W5LUA (pdf) 169k

The NTMS 1296 Loop Yagi Project Measurements - Al Ward - W5LUA (pdf) 50k

How To Play Radio with Hidden Antennae Eric Silverthorn -NM5M 1.2 MB

NTMS Beacon Antenna Update Young Atchison Robinson 2.3M

Design and build 23 cm Yagi using simple tools Atchison 1MB

78 GHz W2IMU Feed for Offset Fed Dishes - Jim Hudson WA5JAT (pdf) 300k

Dual_Band_2_3_and_5_10GHz.pdf - Al Ward - W5LUA (pdf) 500k


W5HN Keyer Mark II Robinson (131k)

Circuit Design

Low-Noise VHF and L-Band GaAs FET Amplifiers Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 5MB

Stability and LNAs (MUD2011) Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 1.3MB

Design Techniques for VHF & UHF LNAs Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 1.1MB

Biasing MMICs Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 377k

Biasing RF Bipolars Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 417k

Switching Power Supplies Chuck Clark 573k

Designing Stability into 1296 MHz and
2304 MHz Low Noise Amplifiers
Al Ward / Tommy Henderson 800kB

RFMD2360 Amplifier Keith Berglund 435kB

902 Transverter Al Ward W5LUA (4.6Mb)

CT1DMK Related

Experiences with a 93.6 Brick VXCO (ppt) 334k

Progress Report with CT1DMK board (From Belton)-WA5TKU (ppt) 840k

Digital Modes

JT44 on 10 GHz -Joe Jurecka N5PYK (ppt) 75k

WSJT - Dave Robinson WW2R (ppt) 1.2M

DSP Based Radios

Building the DSP-10 (Updated for HamCom) - Dave Robinson (ppt) 600k

The Softrock 5 SDR - Al Ward (pdf) 1.4MB

Using the Soft Rocks as Microwave IF Spectrum Analyzers Al Ward 827kB

SoftRock 6.2 for 10m Al Ward (3 MB)

SoftRock RXTXv6.2 for 10 Meters Ward 3.5M

Using SDR as a Microwave IF Dave Robinson 2MB


WRT54G for HSMM - John Beadles (ppt) 797k)


EME 2010 Presentations

Equipment Modifications

Qualcomm PA Retuning Techniques (AF1T)

Power hookup for RW-289 and RW-2135 TWT

Surplus 23G mixers for use on 24GHz - Al Ward (pdf) 31k

Surplus amplifiers for the vhf and up bands - Dave Robinson (pdf) 509k

Using the Harris/Farinon 10 GHz Transmitter/Receiver Assembly on the 3cm Band


Building VHF/UHF Cavity Filters from copper pipe - Joe Jurecka N5PYK (ppt) 270k


Using standard PL-259 connectors with Andrew FSJ-1 Superflex - Bob Gormley WA5YWC (pdf) 550k

80 GHZ Feed - Jim Hudson WA5JAT (pdf) 420k


UHFSDR + USB2SDR = Flexible IF Rig KC5YOE (pdf) 1.96MB

Introduction to Microwaves & The North Texas Microwave Society Al Ward-W5LUA/Bob Gormley WA5YWC 1.2MB

Building Equipment and Operating on 10 GHz Bob Gormley-WA5YWC/ Al Webb-W5RLG 1.2MB

Hamcom Welcome to NTMS 2.8MB

VHF Contesting Survey - Stephen Hicks N5AC 700kB

Listening to the Japanese Lunar Prospectors Al Ward 4.5 Mb

Astro-Imaging or Receiving at 300nm to 750nm Wavelengths Atchison (3.2Mb)


GPS Timing and Locking / Frequency Standards

Microwave Frequency Standards - Jim Hudson WA5JAT (ppt) 8MB

Accurate timekeeping from GPS - Dave Robinson WW2R (pdf) 241k

The Shera Lock Box Revisited - Dave Robinson WW2R (ppt) 279k

N1JEZ The N1JEZ Simple GPS Stabilized 10 MHz Oscillator - Dave Robinson WW2R (pdf) 680k


Millimeter Wave

Millimeter Wave Measurements - Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 1MB

78 GHz LNA Project Status Report - Tom Williams WA1MBA (pdf) 1.4MB

78 GHz W2IMU Feed for Offset Fed Dishes - Jim Hudson WA5JAT (pdf) 300k

Analyzing EME Path Loss At 77 GHz - Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 600k

76 GHz Transverter Upgrade Using The New DB6NT MKU 76 G2 Transverter - Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 330k

Motorizing Waveguide Switches - Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 380k

77 GHz EME at WA3ZKR/4 at Morehead State University - Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 3.3MB



MUD 2016 10 GHz EME Demonstration All Ward W5LUA (pdf) 9.6MB

W5LUA 24 GHz Presentation to the 2012 EME Conference All Ward W5LUA (pdf)

Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) Communications from 902 MHz to 78 GHz Al Ward-W5LUA 2.1 MB

2304 EME (Central States 2009)- Al Ward (pdf) 2.3MB

WSJT Operation (Meteor Scatter) - Wes Atchison (pdf) 886k

A Short Primer on Getting Started on 13 cm EME - Al Ward (pdf)

Backyard 1296 EME...What they didn't tell me - Dave Robinson (pdf) 1550k

Backyard Microwave EME - An update - Dave Robinson (pdf) 2.8 MB

1296 MHz EME Expedition to the Northeast US Al Ward 8.5 MB

Microwave EME Al Ward 1.2MB

Simple 10 GHz SSB/CW For the Beginner Bob Gormley 3.6MB

The Road to 1296 WAS Al Ward W5LUA & Paul Perryman WA5WCP 2.2Mb (pdf) (2008 EME Conference in Florence)

Doppler – How to use it Al Ward W5LUA 303k (pdf) (2008 EME Conference in Florence)

24 and 47 GHz EME Al Ward W5LUA 1,6 MB (pdf) (2008 EME Conference in Florence)

Backyard Microwave EME Dave Robinson, WW2R. 1.1MB (pdf) (2008 EME conference in Florence)

The revival of 9cm EME Peter Blair G3LTF. (1.5 MB) (2008 EME conference in Florence



A prescaler board for use with the CT1DMK Reflock (pdf) - Joe Jurecka N5PYK 178k


Tropospheric Ducting  (CSVHF/HamCom)- Joe Jurecka N5PYK (pdf) 2.1M)

Rainscatter on the microwave bands - Joe Jurecka N5PYK (pdf) 534k

Microwave Link Design  (HamCom) - Joe Jurecka N5PYK (ppt) 242k


Antenna Aiming Issues for Rovers- Wes Atchison (ppt) 205k

Microcontrol of Microwave Stations (ppt) 1.9MB

Rover Challenges --Steven Hicks N5AC pdf 2304k

Using APRS as a roving tool (ppt) 807k


Testing Techniques

MDS and Noise Figure Measurements of IF Rigs - Al Ward W5LUA 500k

A $20 WiFi Spectrum Analyzer - Bob Kmak (ppt) 267k

Noise figure measurement using PC sound card and homebrew noise source - Joe Jurecka N5PYK 1M

Using the Soft Rocks as Microwave IF Spectrum Analyzers Al Ward 827kB


Transverter 101 - Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 77k

Transverter 102 - Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 220k

Using Inexpensive Surplus Modules to Build a 24 GHz Transverter - Al Ward W5LUA (pdf) 830k

Equipment for 9cm Robinson (1.2 Mb)

NO5K Down East Microwave 3W 10GHz Transverter, NO5K (pdf) 1215k

The Antelope Microwave Transceiver

W5LUA 5760 MHz and 10368 MHz Transverters using the N5AC A32 PLL


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